New Year·Online Countdown


New Year · Countdown Configuration


New Year

New Year is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in the world, marking the beginning of a new year.
New Year marks the beginning of a new year, symbolizing new beginnings and hope.


The history of New Year celebrations dates back to ancient Babylon, around 4000 years ago. The earliest New Year celebrations were held during the spring equinox, which was changed to January 1 during the Roman period.

Detailed Customs

Celebration Activities
Gathering with family and friends to celebrate and exchange New Year wishes.
New Year Countdown
On New Year's Eve, people gather together to countdown to the arrival of the new year.
New Year Fireworks
Fireworks are set off at midnight on New Year's Day, symbolizing the dispelling of the old year's misfortunes and welcoming the good luck of the new year.
New Year Resolutions
People make new goals and plans for the new year, hoping for new changes.

Modern Celebrations

Modern New Year celebrations typically include countdowns, watching fireworks displays, and attending parties. Many cities host large celebrations where people gather around iconic buildings to welcome the new year together.

Fun Facts

  • The first place to welcome the new year is the Republic of Kiribati in the South Pacific.
  • The New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, New York, began in 1904.
  • In Scotland, New Year is called 'Hogmanay,' and celebrations can last for several days.

Cultural Impact

New Year is a global festival, with different cultures having their unique ways of celebration. It symbolizes hope, renewal, and new beginnings, serving as an important moment for reflection on the past and looking forward to the future.

Economic Impact

The tourism, dining, and retail industries experience a peak in consumption during the New Year period, significantly boosting the economy.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set a custom countdown?

On the configuration page, select the target time, and you can set a specific date and time.